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Re: Haflingers at War

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 7:32 am
by heinkeljb
As a slight digression to this;

Shouldn't there be pictures of the "Navy" Haflinger in use? Say, during the Falklands war as it would have been around the time they were still in use?

Isn't there some sort of American Vietnam Military museum type thing in America? I am sure there lots of individuals in the USA who have put together "private" museums and they might have Photos etc.


Re: Haflingers at War

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:15 am
by AustHaflinger
Hi John - I was on secondment to the Royal Navy in the UK in late 82 through to the end of 83 based in the Plymouth and Portsmouth areas and went to sea a number of times - I don't recall seeing any Haflingers but did see plenty of Landrovers - that is not to say they were not around but I certainly do not recall seeing any.
