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Throttle sticks

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:44 pm
by heinkeljb
Lurch has not really been used whilst we have been in lockdown and as a consequence things have rusted which other wise might not have rusted!

The issue I have which really needs attention is a sticking throttle pedal.

Now does anyone know were the pivot / sliding through bushes etc points are on a right hand drive Haflinger.
I know there is a long rod attached to the throttle pedal which runs from the outside of the footwell to the centre of the Haflinger and then has a little lever with a pivot to another rod which goes through the back of the footwell into the central channel along the length of the platform to the engine firewall, through that to a ball and socket joint on the Carb. What I need to know is where are the bearing / bushes that the throttle pedal pivots in as that bit is covered by a metal shield. I don't really want to have to cut all of that off in order to find out that it is only supported at either end by a 1cm wide bush!
Also does it run through bushes under the platform?
I need to get some grease /oil into all the bearings / bushes as I can't drive it like it is!


Re: Throttle sticks

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 9:29 am
by heinkeljb
Lots of WD40 and spray grease in both ends of the throttle bar that is under the shield in the drivers foot well. Disconnected the linkage above the central steering pivot.
Lots of elbow grease in between the WD40 and spray grease. Sprayed all the other linkages as well whilst I had the front skid pan off.

Finally, the throttle now returns using the spring connected to the linkage. Now to get on with all the other things that need attention when I get the chance.
