How to size pictures for uploading to the forum

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How to size pictures for uploading to the forum

Post by heinkeljb »

This is how I do it:

Down load and install a program called ""

Open your photo you want to upload using you get a screen like this:
paint dot net open screen.jpg
paint dot net open screen.jpg (120.32 KiB) Viewed 4795 times
Go to the tab "Image", choose "Resize" choose the size you require (I generally use 800 pixels wide) edited 1/1/2015
Resize dialog.jpg
Resize dialog.jpg (91.56 KiB) Viewed 4795 times
Save it as a JPEG.

Now you can upload it by using the choose file dialoge button in the forum thread you have started. Then clicking on "Add the file". Finally make sure the Flashing cursor line is in the position you want your picture to appear, then Click "Place inline" button just below the text box for your thread.

If you find your attachment is in the wrong place in your thread, then you can highlight the attachment text (including the two outer brackets) and then drag and drop where you want the picture to appear.


If anything is not clear, let me know and I will try and explain with more detail.
Last edited by heinkeljb on Thu Jan 01, 2015 10:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: How to size pictures for uploading to the forum

Post by heinkeljb »

Is anybody else vexed by people who upload a photos which is wider than the normal width of a post? I keep having to scroll to read all the text in those posts.

I know it's not done on purpose, but it would be nice not to have to scroll to read the text or to look athte whole picture.

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Re: How to size pictures for uploading to the forum

Post by heinkeljb »

There are several ways of "posting" pictures to threads on the forum.

I thought it might be helpful to give a brief description of how, with the pro's and con's of each.

The first way is just to upload your image, commonly a JPEG, JPG type of format (but there are others). This is done by using the full editor at the bottom of the post you are making. At the bottom of the text box is a "select file" and using this you find the picture in question, click on upload and when it is done, select the place in your text you wish the picture to appear and click the "post in line" button.

Pro's: Very easy to do, Pictures will appear in posts as long as the forum is up.

Con's: Unless you resize your picture, you could be uploading a very big file to the server hosting this forum. Markus is paying the hosting fees and as the data in the forum grows, so do the hosting fees.

The second way is to use a "third party" hosting solution. Yes, I know that sounds "computer geek / mumbo jumbo" but essentially, what you do is instead of uploading your picture to the server this forum is hosted on, you upload your picture to another server and then make "link" between your post and your picture on the other server.

Picture hosting sites like "Dropbox", "Ipicture", "Photobucket" and dozens of others provide "limited" space on their servers for you to create an account and upload your photos to. I say "limited" because whilst your account is free of cost to you, it will have an overall size limit. If you wish, you can pay for more storage space and then the amount of space available to you is as big as your pocket.

Once you have an account with one of the picture hosting sites, you would upload your picture(s) to their server using which ever method they provide, in the case of "Dropbox" you can have a folder on your Desktop and you just "drag and drop" your photos into the folder and software takes care of uploading your photos to their server.

Then you go to your picture hosting account and use what ever method they provide to get a "link URL" for the picture you have selected. Usually, you can just right click on your picture and select the appropriate item from the menu that appears. You copy this link and paste it into the text box of your thread on this forum. When viewed by others, either they will see a "thumbnail" picture or a "hyperlink" which they can click on to take them to see your picture.

Pro's: Easy to do, Does not require any picture resizing / manipulation by you. Saves Markus some money.

Con's: Can be tricky to get get the correct "link URL". Depends on you keeping your account with the picture hosting server. Depends on picture remaining in the same place. I.E. If you move the picture to another folder on the hosting server or change it's name, you have to redo the whole link business again or no one can see your picture again.

Depending on the "terms of use" for the particular picture hosting site you use, any of the pictures you upload to their servers can be used by them, generally without any further compensation to you, for however they use the picture(s). I.E. they could use it in their advertising campaigns. So read the "small print"!

If you need something clarified let me know.

Haflinger 703AP LWB 1973 - (Once owned by Lady Sutherland & Sons.) Now called "Lurch" !

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Re: How to size pictures for uploading to the forum

Post by eniac »

another tip ..

If you are using Windows 7, there is a very good tool called "Snippig tool"
With this tool you can "snipp" Areas from your Screen/Desktop an save them on the harddisk.
I do the Pictures from the syncro rings in the gearbox Thread.
Open a Picture you want to post, zoom the area that is important and "draw" with the cross a box
around the important Thing. Save it as *.jpg File.
So you have the biggest size with the smallest amount of data

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Haflinger 700AP
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